Sunday, April 29, 2012

Does Grad School NEED to Equal Weight Gain?

Originally Published April 28, 2012

First, I want to say that I have lost weight this semester.  Thank you, Medifast! 

Shortly after my first official attempt at losing weight, I started graduate school.  This was in the spring of 2001 and it was also just my second semester teaching.  For the first three months of the "diet" I was successful, had started spinning, lost just over 20 pounds and was feeling great!  Then, I started classes.  And gaining the weight back.  And adding more on.  By the end, I weighed more than I started before I started that "diet."

I am back in graduate school again - new degree & new weight-loss plan.  While my slip from round 1 of Medifast had nothing to do with grad school, the timing was a little too much for me to ignore.  So, I grabbed the bull by the horns and am now happily back on Medifast and down 12 pounds from where I was 12 days ago.  This morning I finished up my class for the semester.

As I was filling out my course evaluation, someone got up to get a donut from the "treat" table - we all signed up for a day so that there'd be some food in class every week.  Some days it was bagels and donuts and juice and cookies.  Some days it was a deli tray with veggies, sausage and cheese.  Some days there was fruit and vegetables.  But, we all know - most days it was bagels, donuts, juice, cookies, kringle and all sorts of sugar-laced tasty treats.  And the juice.  Juice boxes, juice pouches, fancy combo get the picture.

I sat at my table today with my bottle of iced green tea (which I made last night while strengthening my resolve against the treat table) and kindly ignored the table of bagels and donuts and cookies.  I had a bar in my bag if I decided I needed to eat something.  I was prepared.

I declared victory over the treat table this morning.  I had my coffee & MF cappucino this morning and my trusty Camelbak of green tea in class.  I planned, I prepared, I prevailed!

The past few weeks have been full of stress.  HOW would I finish my final project in time for the presentation?  HOW would I get my paper done before today?  HOW will I pay tuition for the next three semesters?  WHY am I putting myself through this?

I've found answers to all of these questions.  I've been logical and mature and made decisions that will allow me to continue to be successful.  

I didn't find the time in the bottom of a pint of Ben & Jerry's.  My paper was not hidden beneath a pile of Buffalo wings.  Tuition money is easier to scrape together if I'm not stopping at Starbucks, Dunkin' Donuts or the local frozen custard stand.  And, just as I am doing Medifast so that I can live a better and more fulfilling life that includes the things and people I love, I am in graduate school again so that I can live a better and more fulfilling life that includes the things and people I love.

Graduate school does NOT need to equal weight gain.  Stress does NOT need to equal weight gain.  Life does NOT need to equal weight gain.

We have the tools right in front of us to get everything we want out of our lives.  We just need to make that decision for ourselves and go after it like our lives depend upon it...because it does.

Go get 'em, tigers!

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