Saturday, June 30, 2012

10 Steps to Through-the-Roof Self Confidence

Earlier today I was in a conversation with a friend that is struggling with her self-esteem.  In the exchange between a few other friends, I shared a few of my recent experiences of what I called Through-the-Roof Self Confidence.  My friend asked for 10 steps to Through-the-Roof Self Confidence, and this is what I had to offer.

I share it here now because we all have times that we need a boost, and I'd love to think we all have - or are working towards - possessing Through-the-Roof Self Confidence.

I'm a work in progress, but I'm working on my journey in all areas of life and have definitely come a long way in building up my belief in myself.  I hope these thoughts help you on your journey.

1. Love yourself - you take that however you'd like

2. Spend time with yourself - not wishing you were with others - YOU time

3. Invest in yourself...wardrobe, makeup, hair, a mani/pedi, TIME, take a class

4. Take care of yourself - eat well, exercise, drink LOTS of water

5. Set goals for yourself - whether it's a career goal, exercise/health goal, educational goal - confession: I'm always working on all 3

6. Take risks - try new things, step outside of your comfort zone - accept change - it's good for you!

7. Ask for help when you need it - and ask for advice from people who inspire you in all areas of your's amazing the things you'll learn about people - everyone has had a journey!

8. Accept compliments without "but..." - Just do it! I t's empowering in ways you can't imagine.

9. Do one thing each day that moves you closer to your adds up.

10. Accept yourself for who you are/where you are and know that life is a work in progress - just be sure you're moving forward.

Go get 'em, tigers!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Smelling the Roses

Yesterday I won my second Biggest Loser title in 15 days.  

The first was in a month long contest run by my health coach in our facebook group.  I was shocked to be the winner in that one, not because I wasn't dedicated to the program, getting in my exercise, drinking plenty - and then some - of water.  I was thrilled to win and to have won in the face of many others who are committed to their journey to optimal health.

Yesterday I was awarded the title in the contest at work.  The school nurse presented me with a notice of the contest results and then the secretary handed over some much-loved cash.  In this contest, I was pretty much certain from day 1 that I would walk away with my colleague's money.  It wasn't just that I am doing this fabulous program and am dedicated to reaching my goals.  I spent the past 8 weeks being tempted (and, I openly admit – succumbing to the temptations MANY times) by the tasty foods and snacks that were passing down the school hallway or being cooked up by my colleagues.  Even with this temptations and often-weakened resolve (tell me you could pass up on the offer of a corned beef sandwich), I kept on track with most of 95% of my plan and continued to guzzle my water and get my walk, bike, run game on.  These choices made the difference. 

Each victory is something that I am proud of - another feather in my cap on my journey towards my goal and optimal health.

Last night I was out with friends from high school at an event to recruit our peers for the reunion in August.  A year ago, I would have told you that I have no intent on going to a reunion.  Since November, I have been working with my friends to plan the upcoming reunion and have enjoyed many evenings out with this group and others that have been pulled into the fold.  Again, there were compliments on how "great" I am looking.  And the friend who said I look like I’m 28 (bless his exaggerating heart!) wins compliment of the night.  

As I was driving home last night, I was thinking about how I didn't feel like the fat girl and I didn't spend my night worrying about what people thought when I ordered a drink or food and I wasn't tugging on my clothes trying to cover up  rolls of fat.  On so many levels, I was experiencing my new normal - and it felt AMAZING!   To think that there’s more of this ahead of me as I move closer to my goal…make my head spin!

Even better, when I got in early this morning, my fitbit sent me a badge for flights climbed and I'd topped my daily step goal...without going for a run or a walk yesterday.

Friends, go out there and claim your life, move yourselves towards optimal health, and ENJOY your life!  There are great things out there for us!

Go get 'em, tigers!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Busy and Living on Auto-Pilot

This past week has been a bit insane.  Between the end of the school year, waiting for my assignment for next school year, finishing up a grad class, getting ready for the next class, deciding to be a TSFL Health Coach, keeping up with family, getting in some time with friends and making sure that I'm doing what I need to do to be healthy...  Whew!  I'm exhausted!

I really have been thinking a lot about my journey to healthy life and weight - but haven't so much been thinking about my food choices.  Sure, this could be a recipe for disaster.  Oh, I know that the ugly stuff could easily rear it's ugly little three-headed (pizza, buffalo wings, ice cream) self right into my path.  But, it hasn't been the case.  Not at all.

Instead, I'm on auto-pilot.  I'm drinking lots of water, eating my 5 MF meals a days and getting in a tasty L&G everyday.  It's great.  And, I'm moving a ton.  This past Sunday, I passed the 20,000 step mark!  Yahoo!!!

And, yes, I've made the decision to take my journey and put it to good use helping others.

And, I know where and what I'm teaching this year.

Life is good.  Things are all continuing to work well for me.  I'm losing weight.  I feel fantastic.  I'm holding my head up high.

How about you?  How are you doing?  Have you been working your program and ingraining the Habits of Health into your life?  I hope so!  

It's been fabulous being able to take care of things without 110% of my attention being on food.  Instead, it's on life!

And, you know what?  If I can do this - so can you!

Go get 'em, tigers!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Positive Peer Pressure

When I was a teenager, peer pressure was generally something that was talked about when referring to something I was not supposed to do.

Now that I am an adult, I see that peer pressure can work for and/or against me.  Of course, it may be easier to stand up for myself as an adult – but the temptation to be one of the crowd isn’t all too different than it was twenty plus years ago.

Today, I succumbed to peer pressure. 

A friend posted on facebook about a run he is doing later in the month.  I simply inquired about the event (and threw out a little comment about how he said he’d show up to a run on new year’s eve & do the polar bear plunge on new year’s day but bailed on both) and then the gauntlet was thrown down.  He said he’d show up before and finish before me.  Oh no he didn’t.  That was it.  You KNOW I made my decision then and there to run this event.  I may not have intended on doing any races for a few months – but that changed as soon as a challenge was thrown out for all of the facebook world to see. 

Now, I’m signing my registration form and sending that and my money away for my registration.  Darn peer pressure!

But this is a GOOD peer pressure.  Yes!  Running a 5k is a good thing.   It’s not smoking a cigarette, doing drugs or any of the other things my parents feared when I was a teenager.  I’m sure they’d be thrilled to hear that a little friendly banter persuaded me to sign up for this run. 

AH HA!!!  And what do you know...I just was tagged in a post from another friend that after seeing that I’d signed up for this 5k she just registered for one in her area!  

My succumbing to peer pressure sent another person to sign up for a 5k.  This is fabulous!  This is what I’m talking about.  Positive Peer Pressure!  Bring it on!!!

Oh, my little tigers…you make me so proud!

To my dear friends Ossie (who has been a peer for many, many years – we’re about to celebrate 20 years since our high school graduation) and Melissa (another traveler on the journey to health and wellness), Cheers! to you both!!!

Go get ‘em, tigers!!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sunday Rest & Relaxation

After the excitement of Friday night and Saturday, Sunday was a time of rest and relaxation.  Ahh…

I spent most of the day in my Brewers’ chair-in-a-bag under a tree with my nook at Mom & Dad’s, alternating between scouring Barnes & Noble for my next great read, playing Draw Some and watching Hunter play catch or hit balls in the park across the street.  Oh, and laundry got done, too!

Tomorrow is my Biggest Loser weigh in at work and with all of the walking and staying on program done this weekend, I’m confident that will go well.  Also, I have a fridge and freezer full of great choices thanks to yesterday’s shopping trip and dad throwing my chicken and burgers for the week on the grill today.  Looking forward to some tasty leans this week – thanks, Dad!

Also, tomorrow I’ll be kicking off my walks with a friend from grad school who lives in the neighborhood and is a fellow English teacher.  I’m looking forward to having a walking partner a few times a week!

It’s about to be another busy week, so today’s fresh air and relaxation was a welcome change.  I’m ready for the week which will include finishing up my final paper for class, getting my seniors ready for graduation (praying for them all), voting in the big recall election, and – as always – working my fanny off to stay on program and get my exercise in throughout the week.  Lots going on, but that’s good.

Time to prep tomorrow’s meals and get ready for school.

Wishing everyone a fabulous week!

Go get ‘em, tigers!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Super Saturday - A Tale of Academic and Weight Loss Victories

Happy Saturday, Friends!

My day has been amazing on so many levels.  I am still wrapping my head around it.

This morning I had my final presentation for my spring semester course , Integrated Literacy Development I – which should really be titled Everything You Need and Would Like to Know About Primary Literacy Instruction & Assessment in One Quick Semester.

I will admit that I spent the greater part of this past semester with my head spinning with all of the information from this course.  Yes, there was a LOT of new information to digest.  There was plenty of reading and piles of assessments to get acquainted with.  But, more than any of that was wrapping my head around the inner workings of a first grade classroom.  I teach high school juniors and seniors, people!  Beowulf and Shakespeare are my stomping grounds. 

So, with that in mind, imagine how I felt when handed a thick pile of first grade literacy assessments (the sample data) and was told to create a Primary Comprehensive Literacy Plan and present it as if I’m presenting to a school board for approval.  Uhm…

Well, this morning I gave that presentation.  I woke up bright and early, had my coffee, showered and dressed and walked the lovely six blocks to Alverno and delivered one heck of a kick ass presentation.  Yes, I did!

And, when I was done, my instructor beamed with pride and dished out the compliments.  The best was about how far I’ve come with my comfort level with the content and that based on my presentation, she’d never know that my niche is NOT primary literacy.  Ha!  Yes!  Success!!!

After getting home from my presentation, I realized I left the video recording in the classroom.  I quickly changed and walked back to campus to collect my recording.

Of course, this morning’s victory comes on the coat tails of another awesome victory.

Last night I was declared the Biggest Loser in my health coach’s May Challenge in our facebook group!!!  I was runner up for points for the month.  And, my team had the most points, so we all won a 3 month subscription to Gaiam TV online.  Yippee!!! 

Not a bad start to the weekend.

Now, off for a walk – because my two trips to Alverno and back were just the beginning of today’s walks!

Go get ‘em, Tigers!

Friday, June 1, 2012

June 1st Commitments

My good friend and awesome Medifast Happy Afters Contest winner, Kelsey, suggested to her Super Sexy Medifasting sisters that we make some commitments to ourselves this June.  We're posting these to our facebook group and will look back on our month in 30 days.

This month I will…
  • Commit to my blog and mymedifast support groups daily.
  • Continue to work on keeping my water and L&Gs interesting and tasty.
  • Supporting other Medifasters through interactions on mymedifast and facebook.
  • Focus on being a model of good health for family, friends and students.
  • Exercise 30-45 minutes a day.
  • Remove all oversized clothes from my home.
  • Remember where I started and where I am going – and treat all travelers on this journey with respect and kindness.
I know that I need to set goals for myself and write them down in order to move forward towards getting where I want to be.  So, I have these written near my desk and in my planner so that I can focus on my goals and commitments this month and well into the future.

I look forward to seeing where I am on June 30th!

Go get 'em, tigers!