Saturday, June 30, 2012

10 Steps to Through-the-Roof Self Confidence

Earlier today I was in a conversation with a friend that is struggling with her self-esteem.  In the exchange between a few other friends, I shared a few of my recent experiences of what I called Through-the-Roof Self Confidence.  My friend asked for 10 steps to Through-the-Roof Self Confidence, and this is what I had to offer.

I share it here now because we all have times that we need a boost, and I'd love to think we all have - or are working towards - possessing Through-the-Roof Self Confidence.

I'm a work in progress, but I'm working on my journey in all areas of life and have definitely come a long way in building up my belief in myself.  I hope these thoughts help you on your journey.

1. Love yourself - you take that however you'd like

2. Spend time with yourself - not wishing you were with others - YOU time

3. Invest in yourself...wardrobe, makeup, hair, a mani/pedi, TIME, take a class

4. Take care of yourself - eat well, exercise, drink LOTS of water

5. Set goals for yourself - whether it's a career goal, exercise/health goal, educational goal - confession: I'm always working on all 3

6. Take risks - try new things, step outside of your comfort zone - accept change - it's good for you!

7. Ask for help when you need it - and ask for advice from people who inspire you in all areas of your's amazing the things you'll learn about people - everyone has had a journey!

8. Accept compliments without "but..." - Just do it! I t's empowering in ways you can't imagine.

9. Do one thing each day that moves you closer to your adds up.

10. Accept yourself for who you are/where you are and know that life is a work in progress - just be sure you're moving forward.

Go get 'em, tigers!