Sunday, August 5, 2012


A year ago, I had one of those life experiences that leaves you feeling like the floor suddenly dropped out from under your feet.  I came home from finishing my first week of the school year to my husband asking for a divorce.

The details of this are not important. 

That the people I often refer to as my advisory council were by my side within a half an hour – that is important.  That my parents and these dear friends surrounded me with love, support, encouragement, hugs, and yes, later there was pizza – that is important.  That for the past year each of these people, and so many more, have cheered for me as I’ve picked up the pieces, swept up the mess, put myself back together and become stronger and wiser and more determined than I have ever been – that is important. 

I look back on the past year and am amazed by what I’ve done.  There are so many changes that have happened and each of them brought amazing things into my life.  I live in a fabulous flat with a fabulous landlord – she left baked goods my second day here, supplies me with Sports Illustrated and the occasional bag of produce – seriously, I hit the jackpot here.  I’m in a great, safe neighborhood where I can bike, run, walk, hit the stores, see the family and walk to class.  I picked up running again – and at a time of year when us Wisconsin folks do not start running – winter!  I ended the year with a 5k and started this year with another Polar Bear Plunge.  I took my first completely independent vacation and fell in love Austin, Texas while clearing my head, shaking out the cobwebs, and celebrating my freedom.  I am back in grad school and am almost done with my reading teacher license – something I’ve wanted to do since I was an undergrad.  I am back on my road bike for the first time in three years – alleluia!  I am about to embark on a new adventure in teaching as I move to a new school to work with an incredibly enthusiastic, motivated and energized English department.  I have, more times than I can count or my mom gotten the words out of her mouth, witnessed that yes, mom, everything does happen for a reason. 

This does not even touch on the journey I have been on in my mind and with my body.  If you have been around, you know what I’m talking about.  The running and biking are part of the journey that has changed me inside and out.  I am down about seventy pounds from where I was a year ago.  Yes – that is important!

So many great things have happened in the past year.  It’s not because I’m lucky or followed some how-to self-help book.  It is because I focused on what is positive, didn’t let anger permeate my life and moved forward towards what I want.  I am still on a journey.  It never ends.  There is always something new – a challenge, a job, a class, a book, a relationship – to keep us sharp and fresh.  But I cannot say enough how focusing on what I have and what I want has pulled me through. 

So, today I will again start another month-long journey of focusing on gratitude.  Each day, here and on facebook, I will be posting three things that I am grateful for.  I invite you to share something(s) you are grateful for on my posts or to start your own month-long journey. 

30 Days of Gratitude, Day #1: 1. My family 2. My friends 3. My own strength and determination

Go get ‘em, tigers!


  1. Jennifer-
    What you have accomplished in just one year is amazing! You get a standing ovation from me.
    30 days of gratitude.....I'm there.

  2. Beautiful blog - just like the author <3. I looked back at my first blog on MyMF and I discussed gratitude, but lately it's really been a focus. I post on the gratitude thread there pretty regularly.
