Friday, August 10, 2012

30 Days of Gratitude, Day 6

Well, it’s here.  Tonight begins my 20 year high school reunion.  I do not like social events with a lot of people.  I like things small and familiar and comfortable.  And sure, these are all people I know…who I haven’t seen most of for 20 years.  I’m not going to lie, there’s been some anxiety.  I just don’t like events. 

It’s funny, I can stand in front of a classroom of judgmental, smart-mouthed, distracted by technology adolescents all day and have the time of my life – but the idea of spending two nights with my former classmates makes my tummy twist.

As with everything else in the past year, I’m bursting through this self-built wall and dealing with it.  It would be easy to stay home and work on my homework, clean the closets or even spend the evening with the man.  That would be staying in the same place I am.  I’m stretching and growing and continuing to spread my wings every day.

So, tonight I will reunite with my fellow Tigers.  It will be fine.  And I’ll end up feeling better about tomorrow and enjoying the time with old friends.

Now, what will I wear?

30 Days of Gratitude, Day 6: 1. The opportunity to catch up with old friends.  2. Many packages at the door this morning.  3.  Stepping outside of my comfort zone.

Go get ‘em, tigers!

1 comment:

  1. YAY! Here's to stepping out, sister! I relate to this MUCH! And I admit, shedding some L-B's eases my anxiety somewhat. But the truth is, with or without excess weight, I just love my cozy little circle and there's nothing wrong with that. The difference for me (now) is that I'm done missing out on those important milestone-type events - prioritizing based on what's important vs. what's comfortable :). <3
