Monday, April 30, 2012

Could It Be...A Manic Monday?

Yes, it was 6 o' clock when I woke up and discovered it was a MANIC MONDAY

I was up much too late last night, caught up in a facebook chat with my delightful Medi-friend Kelsey.  I didn't get as much sleep as normal.  I was all worked up about the challenge starting in my coach's facebook group, the Biggest Loser weigh-in at school, and just the plain and simple fact that...IT'S MONDAY!!!

My daily dose of green tea brewing.

Now, like any well-planned woman who has to step on a scale at an appointed time, I was not about to be eating, drinking, slurping or biting on anything until ALL of my weigh ins were done.  And this wasn't any ordinary Monday morning.  

Oh no!  There was no waking up and doing the birthday suit weigh in and calling it a day.  Nope!  

Today, I had to take a picture of the number on the scale...showing my feet.  And I had to post it to the coach's facebook group for all the world - well, all the world of the super-secret-it's-okay-to-post-your-weight-facebook-group - to see.  Yep.  That's what I did first thing today.

Then, I got ready for a Monday at school...still no food...and headed to school.  I started my first class of the day and then...I weighed in AGAIN.  That's right, friends - today was weigh-in day for The Biggest Loser at work!  And - I'm down 4.5 lbs. since we first weighed in last Monday.  Oh YEAH!!!

And, as much as I was in a funk, waiting to get my first meal of the day in and waiting for the nurse to make her way to her 3rd floor office so that I could 1. get the weigh-in over 2. see how I did on her scale and 3. get back to my classroom and enjoy my Cappuccino, I can't tell you how great it felt to see the 4.5 lb. loss and Nurse Natasha's face when she did the math.  Oh yes!!!  THIS GIRL is going to be winning The Biggest edition!

The rest of my day went on as usual and I'm safely back home about to enjoy my Lean & Green dinner of Romaine, Light Hidden Valley Ranch, Spaghetti Squash and Ground Turkey with Italian Seasoning...mostly leftovers from last night - which I have been looking forward to all day.  Then, it's time to lace up the shoes and head outdoors for some fresh air and a walk.

My friends, have a fabulous rest of a Monday and I will see you tomorrow.

Go get 'em, tigers!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Spaghetti Squash, Italian Ground Turkey, and Roasted Green Beans & Mushrooms

Tonight's Dinner...

Roasted Spaghetti Squash with Olive Oil & Garlic
Roasted Green Beans with Mushrooms & Balsamic
Jennie-O Ground Turkey with Italian Seasonings

I cut out the cheese to stay within my Lean & Green requirements.

The ground turkey was prepared with just a spray of the pan and 2 cloves of fresh minced garlic.

The spaghetti squash was roasted in the oven and then sauteed with 1 t. olive oil and 2 cloves of fresh minced garlic.

Friends, if you're doing a low-carb diet, Kalyn's blog is a place you must check out.  I love that you can search recipes by vegetable!  I saw a long list for cauliflower...

Bring On the Challenge

And...we're all caught up with the blogs from my mymedifast blog.  
Here is today's installment...

It's here!  Tomorrow begins the May challenge on my health coach's facebook group.  Everyday there is a themed check-in.  There are prizes at the end.  We track points for participation and weight-loss.  There's even a "rest day" on Sundays.  Oh, I can't wait!

I've had a great weekend of preparation.  My other facebook group of fabulous MFing friends has been on a Clean & Simple challenge since Friday.  For that, I've cut out snacks, condiments and any little blt sneaks that may occasionally pop into my mouth for consumption.

I have been preparing for this.  I have tidied up my food cabinet - The Battle Station - and updated my BeSlim Club order for tomorrow.  The grocery list is on the fridge and I've been walking on a regular basis.  Yesterday, I ran.  In the rain. 

Tomorrow also is the official start of my training for the Wisconsin Bike MS event that I will participate in for my 6th year in August.  My last ride was way back in 2008.  I've been out of the loop due to injuries and surgery.  This year, I'm back!  

And, let's not forget that Biggest Loser competition at work.  Tomorrow is weigh-in #2.  Hmm...I wonder what my colleagues have been eating this weekend.

Well, whatever the challenge, I'm up to it.  I'm prepared, I have a plan and I will achieve what I set out to do.

Wishing you another great day of Medifasting success.

Go get 'em, tigers!

Does Grad School NEED to Equal Weight Gain?

Originally Published April 28, 2012

First, I want to say that I have lost weight this semester.  Thank you, Medifast! 

Shortly after my first official attempt at losing weight, I started graduate school.  This was in the spring of 2001 and it was also just my second semester teaching.  For the first three months of the "diet" I was successful, had started spinning, lost just over 20 pounds and was feeling great!  Then, I started classes.  And gaining the weight back.  And adding more on.  By the end, I weighed more than I started before I started that "diet."

I am back in graduate school again - new degree & new weight-loss plan.  While my slip from round 1 of Medifast had nothing to do with grad school, the timing was a little too much for me to ignore.  So, I grabbed the bull by the horns and am now happily back on Medifast and down 12 pounds from where I was 12 days ago.  This morning I finished up my class for the semester.

As I was filling out my course evaluation, someone got up to get a donut from the "treat" table - we all signed up for a day so that there'd be some food in class every week.  Some days it was bagels and donuts and juice and cookies.  Some days it was a deli tray with veggies, sausage and cheese.  Some days there was fruit and vegetables.  But, we all know - most days it was bagels, donuts, juice, cookies, kringle and all sorts of sugar-laced tasty treats.  And the juice.  Juice boxes, juice pouches, fancy combo get the picture.

I sat at my table today with my bottle of iced green tea (which I made last night while strengthening my resolve against the treat table) and kindly ignored the table of bagels and donuts and cookies.  I had a bar in my bag if I decided I needed to eat something.  I was prepared.

I declared victory over the treat table this morning.  I had my coffee & MF cappucino this morning and my trusty Camelbak of green tea in class.  I planned, I prepared, I prevailed!

The past few weeks have been full of stress.  HOW would I finish my final project in time for the presentation?  HOW would I get my paper done before today?  HOW will I pay tuition for the next three semesters?  WHY am I putting myself through this?

I've found answers to all of these questions.  I've been logical and mature and made decisions that will allow me to continue to be successful.  

I didn't find the time in the bottom of a pint of Ben & Jerry's.  My paper was not hidden beneath a pile of Buffalo wings.  Tuition money is easier to scrape together if I'm not stopping at Starbucks, Dunkin' Donuts or the local frozen custard stand.  And, just as I am doing Medifast so that I can live a better and more fulfilling life that includes the things and people I love, I am in graduate school again so that I can live a better and more fulfilling life that includes the things and people I love.

Graduate school does NOT need to equal weight gain.  Stress does NOT need to equal weight gain.  Life does NOT need to equal weight gain.

We have the tools right in front of us to get everything we want out of our lives.  We just need to make that decision for ourselves and go after it like our lives depend upon it...because it does.

Go get 'em, tigers!

Keeping it Clean & Simple

Originally Published April 27, 2012

Yesterday I had the great fortune of being welcomed into a facebook group of medifriends.  It is an active and chatty group of ladies that are really working their journey - wherever they are in this process.  Some are very new, some are in transition and some - like me - are returning customers.  This is what inspired yesterday's Find Your Happy Place blog post.

Well, this group is taking on a challenge for the weekend - we're keeping it CLEAN & SIMPLE today through Sunday...longer if we're inspirted.  No extras in our meals, sticking to our water, adding in some green tea, and staying true to the program.  I love it!

Sometimes, we need a reminder of what it is that's going to get us to goal - and through goal into the healthy lifestyle that will keep us going and active for the rest of our lives.  It's good to review the program and sharpen our focus.  Not that we purposefully let things loosen up - but life gets a hold of us and sometimes, the picture is a little blurry, the scale is buried under a spaghetti squash (yes, that is the case this very moment), the measuring cup is in the pile of dirty dishes.  

Well, this weekend is the time for us to put on our glasses (maybe I should clean the lenses...), bake that spaghetti squash for another day and do the dishes!

If you're inclined to challenge yourself to clean up your routine, I welcome you to join me and would love to hear how it goes for you.  You know where to find me.

Happy Medifasting Weekend, my friends!

Go get 'em, tigers!

Finding Your Happy Place

Originally Published April 26, 2012

We all have different needs and different lifestyles.  When it comes to our Medifast journey, these things come into play.  You need to figure out what you need in terms of support and go out and get it for yourself!  

Do you have a coach?  
  • How's that working out for you?  
  • Do you communicate with your coach as often as you'd like?  
  • Too much?  
  • Sick of phone calls?  
  • Don't like email?

What's your support network?  
  • Do you have friends doing MF?  
  • Have you made friends on the mymedifast site? 
  • Are you blogging? 
  • Do you post questions? 
  • Have you thoughtfully and considerately replied to someone's question?  
  • Do you comment on blogs to give a high five or a pat on the back to a fellow traveler on this journey?

Have you linked up with some MF resources out their in the land of social networking?
  • Are you a tweeter or facebooker?    
  • Are you in an MF friendly facebook group?  
  • Do you tweet each meal?

You don't need to be doing ALL of these things.  I'm not doing ALL of these things.  But, I am doing the things that meet my needs.  

THAT'S what we all need to do.

Figure out what works for you and your lifestyle.  

Communicate that with your coach and find support here or in your "real" world.  

Whatever it is you do, you need to advocate for YOU to make this journey work FOR you.

Go get 'em, tigers!

Sick Day

Originally Published April 25, 2012

I woke up with a sinus infection, it just started raining, and I'm determined to make it through this ON PROGRAM. 

I did a quick trip to the store for some comfort food - some Sunrise Orange Crystal Light (which I dilute the daylights out of...there's calories in that stuff - the nerve!), some romaine lettuce to throw my buffalo chicken on (I really do believe that spicing things up helps clear the nastiness out) and a 12 pack of Diet Mug Root Beer.  

That's right.  There were no donuts, ice cream, Hi-C Orange Drink, or monster breakfast sandwiches on my list - and they didn't even sneak in the cart - despite the lovely stuffed head that had me feeling like I was weaving through the store like a drunk!  Nope...just things that I can happily include in my day(s) no guilt and lots of pleasure.  I did tell you yesterday what I do with that Root Beer, right?  Oh, it's just fabulous!

Now, I'm going to run out for 5 minutes to pick up discs 1 & 2 of season 2 of Downton Abbey that are waiting for me at the library.  Then, it's pajamas, big sweater, fleece blanket, chai latte with hot tea, my chair and the dvds...with a nap or two thrown in for good measure!

Let the Games Begin!

Originally Published April 24, 2012

We knew it was coming and yesterday it arrived.  The start of the annual staff Biggest Loser competition. 

The game is on!

Yesterday, one-by-one, we each visited the nurse's office to bare our deepest, darkest secret to the school nurse.  Well, their deepest darkest secrets, as my weight is public information for anyone who can find me on this site!

So, today we have only the juniors in school for the statewide ACT testing.  After testing, the students were provided a "lunch" of nachos (tortilla chips, seasoned ground beef, cheese sauce and the obligatory jalapenos), Capri Sun and a selection of other treats.  The students were happily recovering from their ACT-induced comas while socializing with the friends.  And the teachers...they were all in the hallway, in the nachos line, piling their chips with yumminess.  Every single one of them.  Except me. 

While my friends were talking up their intentions of winning The Biggest Loser, I sat with my little bowl of Medifast Homestyle Chili and refilled my Camelbak bottle for the third time today.  I didn't say a word.  I just looked around, took it all in, and happily nibbled on the chili - which was a real treat because I almost always have shakes for meals, but had this in the fridge in my classroom in case of an emergency.  And, this was an emergency.  Everyone around me was eating what probably amounts to more than 2 days worth of calories and who knows how many days of carbs in my world!  A chai latte was not going to cut it.  I'm sorry.  That's the trutch - as much as I've grown to love the stuff. 

So, I had chili for lunch and they had nachos.  My afternoon snack was a hot cocoa mix, mixed with diet root beer (oh MUST try that).  My dinner is going to be a fabulous Chipotle salad - which I will be enjoying at the Brewers' game tonight.  And I'm going to have some peanut butter soft serve to end my night.  All this, along with a few more Camelbak's worth of water.  Ah...

Oh, and while they sat around talking after they were done devouring their nachos, I did five trips up and down the stairs or our three floor building.  I topped that off with a four laps of the third floor.

The cost: $10.  The prize: $10 x the number of people who chose to take on the challenge.  Winning because you lost the highest percentage of weight between now and the end of the school year: PRICELESS!

Who's your money on?

Tonight's Pinch Hitter: Tuna Salad

Originally Published April 24, 2012

I was inspired by CurvyTika to switch up my dinner tonight from what I'd planned.  Not to say that Slow Cooker Buffalo Chicken is anything to run away from, but I have a bit of tuna on hand, so I thought I'd whip up something else for tonight.

I like to just have everything mixed together, so instead of tuna boats and tomato cups, I made a tuna salad and put that on 2 cups of romaine.

Tonight's Dinner: Tuna Salad over Romaine

7 oz. tuna, drained

1 T. ff mayo

1 t. tartar sauce

1 dill spear, diced

1 tomato, diced,

S & P to taste

Mix together. Serve over 2c. chopped Romaine.

Warning:  Final product is larger and more filling than it appears!

Week One Results

Originally Published April 23, 2012

Good Morning & Happy Monday, Friends!

I've been up for nearly two hours, have had my morning walk and my Hot Cocoa with Coconut Cream coffee.  Being up that early may not necessarily be my favorite thing, but the walk and the hot cocoa are right up this medifasting girl's alley.  Mmm mmm...yum!

So, I did my week one scale jump this morning.  And, I'm down 10.2 pounds.  I'd like to put that in flashing lights right here, but I'll save that for something!

Now, on to the rest of my regularly scheduled day: shower, drive to work, sing along to the radio and look like a lunatic in the morning commute, a wonderful day teaching 16-18 year-olds the fine art of literature, stairs and laps during my lunch hour, fly home to shower and change for an interview, back home for a tasty L&G of buffalo chicken over salad, and then a dvd to close out the day.

Okay...can I go back to bed now?

Have a fabulous Monday!!!

Go get 'em, tigers!

I Sent My Dinner Back to the Kitchen

Originally Published April 22, 2012

I never thought I'd be one to send my food back if it came out wrong.  Heck, I could handle whatever they sent me.  No problem.

Nope...I am the girl that sent her dinner back because there were potatoes, a pile of cheese and a load of creamy sauce on top of my chicken and steamed vegetables.

Having worked as a server for over 11 years (through college and my first few years of teaching), I have taken many meals back to the kitchen for one reason or another.  With this experience in my pocket, I had no guilt over being the person refusing to eat what was put in front of me.  It wasn't what I'd ordered.  The server repeated my order back to me TWO times.  He never even brought my salad...until I sat for over 15 minutes with NO food and my friends were almost done with their dinners.  

After 25 minutes, I finally had a grilled chicken breast, mushrooms and steamed veggies.  It was tasty.  I think.  It was after 10:30 at night (we'd been to a 7:00 movie before dinner).  I was ready to drink the bottle of ketchup! 

Of course, there was a tasty Cherry Pomegranate shake all mixed up and ready to go in the water botter stowed in my purse, but I am on 5&1, not 6&0!

Have a Happy Medifasting Sunday, friends!

Could I Be...A Morning Person?

Originally Published April 21, 2012

I've been on spring break for the past three weeks.  EVERY day I have been up by 7:30 without an alarm.  There have been NO days that I've needed to be up for any reason.  This week, it has been more like 5 or 6 am.  

While I am fairly certain that Monday morning will arrive and I'll be back to my snooze button ways, I spent part of this morning imagining a life where I'm a morning person...

Walks to the sunrise...
Running when there's nobody out yet...
Cycling without the traffic...
Not getting tangled by the leashes of neighborhood dogs...
Peace, quiet and tranquility before a day in a central-city high school...
Time to collect my thoughts before the day gets away from me...
Getting a workout in before the rest of my day has a chance to take shape...

I think I am liking the sound of this.  I think that I could become a morning person, once more.

You see, I've had two other forays into the morning person world...

In college, I worked as a lifeguard at the YMCA.  My friend and I worked the opening shift (5 am, friends!) so that we could get our hours in before we bolted to class and studying.  We alternated who stopped at the McD's on the corner for coffee each morning.

A few years ago, when I was deep into running, I naturally woke up every morning around 5 to run.  Literally.  I woke up, jumped into my running gear, laced up my shoes, strapped on my heart-rate monitor and hit the streets.  

So, if I've done it before...surely I can do it again...


Signing off...daydreaming of tomorrow morning's walk...and Monday's...ahh...

Love When the Man in Brown Visits

Originally Published April 20, 2012

My newest order came today and I am happy to share that I will have some more variety in my 5 MF meals for the coming weeks...and not a moment too soon!

The only new-to-me things in my order are the Chocolate & Vanilla Appetite Suppressant Shakes.  I'm going to include one each day and see what I think.  I'll be sure to share after a few days.

I'm excited for the return of Peanut Butter Soft Serve to my cabinet.  Also making a return appearance are Chocolate Pudding, Fruit Punch, and one of my favorites Cherry Pomegranate Shake.  I like to blend the shake (Fruit Punch, too) with a bit of sugar-free Jell-O).  There is a bowl of Jell-O waiting in the fridge to add a kick to these shakes.

Today is Day 5 and I'm doing well.  Water intake is increasing again and I'm not as sluggish as I was the first few days of this week.  Heck, I haven't even taken a nap today...there's progress!

Wishing you all a fabulous weekend of medifasting and fun!  

Go get 'em, tigers!

Drinks and Veggies and Buffalo Chicken, Oh My!

Originally Published April 19, 2012's a happy Day 4 and all is right in my world.  I'm down 8.7 since Monday and I've sailed through the day.  I even got a nap in this afternoon.  

I've been playing around with my drinks this week.  I have a PILE of Chai Latte because I ordered a bunch of the Coffee House Gift Sets with my last order in an attempt to be economically savvy.  Every time I have a Chai Latte, I try it with a different tea.  Well, my new favorite is Apple Cinnamon.  Oh my!  That is tasty.  Also, I've always made my meals into shakes...but for the past two days I've been doing my Cappuccino, Hot Cocoa and Chai Latte as  It's been chilly and damp in these parts, so it's helped to keep the chill out of my bones.

I made a trip to the grocery store tonight and you wouldn't believe the stockpile of frozen veggies I came home with.  There was a 10 for $10 sale and I went a little crazy.  Add to that the coupons I had for 2 other brands and I am set for greens for a while!  There is a lot of mashed cauliflower in my future...and that's a-okay with me!  And, I got in a whole lot of walking because I played a little game - alternating sides of the store on my list and crossing the store about 10 times to complete my list.  Those steps added up and the fitbit is very happy!

Right now, I have some Slow Cooker Buffalo Chicken going in the Crock Pot to cook overnight.  Oh, how I love that stuff!  I used a 3-lb. bag of frozen chick breasts, so I'll be freezing some of the final product for future meals.  I know that I'm going to go crazy when I can start smelling that hot sauce - but I'll be so much less crazy when I have dinners prepared when I go back to school next week.

Okay...time to kick back with my Hot Cocoa and a dvd from the library.

Happy Medifasting, friends!

A New Gadget

Originally Published April 18, 2012

A few years ago, when I was deep into running & cycling, I had a wild love affair with my Polar Heart Rate Monitor.  I loved being able to watch my progress in numbers and to see it graphed out.  Oh, I lived for the beeping that indicated I was in my Target Heart Rate Zone.  

Today, I picked up something new.  It doesn't require me to wear an elastic strap around my chest.  It doesn't require a clunky watch on my wrist (I'm not really a watch girl).  It can slip on my waistband or be discreetly stowed on my bra - imagine!

I have joined the masses that swear by...the fitbit!

It is freshly charged, my account is all setup and linked with my myfitnesspal account and I am off and...  Well, I'm doing some homework this afternoon before heading out for a meeting.  But, it's on and recording data.  And if I'm at my computer, that precious data is being downloaded every 15 minutes.  So, every time I walk to the kitchen to refill my CamelBak bottle or step to the bathroom, my steps are being accounted for.  

I can't wait to see what it has to say at the end of the day!  I think I'm going to have to go for a walk today to bump up my steps!

Happy shaking the tailfeathers, my friends!

I Survived My First Baseball Game of the Season

Originally Published April 17, 2012

I just got home from my first Brewers' game of the season and it was an all around SUCCESS!

Most importantly, the Brewers' one the game in the 9th inning!

And...I survived the game ON PROGRAM!!!

Believe me, that is a victory.  All around me was a sea of nachos, beer, cheese curds, brats, beer, hot dogs, cotton candy, beer, licorice, ice cream, beer, and all sorts of other yummy smelling and looking foods.  On the beer front, I hardly ever drink - Medifasting or not - but it's MILLER Milwaukee...there is LOTS of beer consumed around here.

I finalized my plan for the game this morning.  I logged all of my meals early in the day so that I'd know exactly where I'd be for tonight.  I split my l&g a bit so that I could stretch out my meals to last later into the day. worked.  

I know, this is how it goes.  I've done this before.  Oh, I fondly remember how excited I was at my last few games of last season when I was super cozy in my seat that suddenly was much roomier than it had been all season.  The seat was still roomy and I still got through the game on plan.  

Day #2 is done.  I'm ready for Day #3.  

Bring it on!

Recommitted Day 1...Check!

Originally Published April 16, 2012

Ah...happy Monday night!

I am happy to report that I have successfully completed this day and have stayed on program.  No frozen custard, cheese curds, adult beverages, butter burgers, or chips & guacamole.  Hey, I'm in Wisconsin - it's everywhere I turn...especially the cheese curds & butter burgers & frozen custard & alcohol...and there are 2 yummy Mexican restaurants within 4 blocks of home.  You get the picture.

I did get a quick trip to the grocery store in to pick up dinner fixings.  I had a tasty steak with peppers and mushrooms and a lovely salad.  Yum!  It's been a shaketastic day other than that decadent dinner.

My newest order for MF food was processed earlier today, so by the end of the week I should be able to add a little more variety to my day.

Now, I'm working on my plan for tomorrow...I'll be going to the Brewers game tomorrow night and brats and Cracker Jack will not be on my menu.  We can carry food in, so I may pack my l&g to enjoy at the park and a shake for later in the game.  Hmm...I'm going to have to sleep on that one.

On that note, sweet dreams dear medifriends.  See you tomorrow!

Kicking the Struggle to the CURB!

Originally Published April 15, 2012

Okay, kids...Tomorrow I am taking back control of my choices and behavior and kicking this struggle to the curb!

I've got everything ready to start fresh tomorrow.

While I'll be tied to my laptop for much of the mornings & afternoons this week (finishing up final project and putting the presentation together), I have classes, meetings, baseball games in the evenings to look forward to and to keep me from feeling chained to homework.  

And, after this week, it's back to the classroom to finish out the school year.  I hear there's a Biggest Loser style contest starting when we get back through our school nurse.  Ah...a challenge.  

I'm ready!


Originally Published April 14, 2012

I am struggling.  

There, I said it.  Now you know.

The past few weeks have seen me yo-yo-ing all over the place with food.  I have made more poor food choices in the past month than I did during the time I was in transition and then the short time that I was off program completely.

I have spent a lot of time in my head trying to work through the what, why, how of my I have spent the past few months figuring out why my zeal for the program is not what it was a few months ago.

I've come to a few conclusions and decisions.

First, when I started this program at the end of August, I was fresh out of my marriage and starting to spread my wings and figure out what was next.  There was a lot of hurt, anger and buckets full of determination to put myself back together again.  Piles of motivation and armfuls of encouragement were all around me.  Add to that the goal of showing up to the court date a different person...  Well, you get the picture.

Second, I've come out on the other side of that experience.  I pulled myself up by my bootstraps in every conceivable way and have moved forward with confidence and have all of the things going on in my life that I want.

Finally, with all of this great progress, there is a lot of overwhelming thoughts and experiences.  And, my plate is wobbling and overflowing with life.  This is good.  No, it's fantastic!  But, it's really a challenge to keep it all together.

I'm kicking butt in grad school, I'm doing great with my friends, my family thinks I'm amazing, I've been dating someone who appreciates and understands ME..but this taking care of myself, my health, and staying has fallen far to the wayside.

It isn't off the radar, it's just in the gutter.  Sometimes the wind blows it into the center lane...but it quickly gets passed by a looming deadline, papers to grade, a get-together with friends, a date with that handsome man and lately, the final project for the semester.

As I near the completion of this project and look forward to the last weeks of the school year, a summer of some rest and probably lots of homework and then whatever is ahead, I know that I need to grab control of things and get down to the brass tacks.

I've cleaned out the house of any remnant of poor food choices, meals for tomorrow are prepared, my next order is shipping in a few days.

I've dusted off the hoops and hand weights and have my clothes ready for the gym.

I can do this!

To Fly Over Hurdles

Originally Published January 18, 2012

Oh, how life has a way of keeping things interesting.  Well, in this case it's me shaking things up just a little bit more.

Yesterday I registered for my next grad class after taking the summer and fall semester off to deal with life.  Now, I'm ready to get my head back into the academic game - for myself, that is!

My class starts this Saturday.  Yep!  Saturday morning class.  Actually, this is a good thing.  I do much better in class when I'm refreshed and focused than after a long day teaching.

Of course, this Saturday was the day I was going to attend an open Crossfit class that is welcoming newcomers.  And, while my classes are biweekly, class will push two scheduled - and paid for - races off the calendar.  It may also force me to reschedule when I'll be doing my first half-marathon...fortunately, there are a number of those around the same time, so I can probably find one within a few weeks of when I was planning.

So, off I head to Amazon to order the books I need for class.  I think I'll need to get to the office store before school supplies are in order!

As I add another challenge to my plate, I'm committing to doing a small thing that will help keep me focused on the other challenges I'm already juggling...I will walk to class.  Okay, I live about a half mile from the college, but I think it's something that will keep me focused on balancing my priorities.

I just hope there's not a blizzard on Saturday!

Here's to flying over the hurdles along our path!

Stretching Boundaries...or Busting Them Down to Nothing!

Originally Published January 10, 2012

This whole journey has been about change.  

Changing my eating habits.  Changing how I handle food.  Changing my lifestyle.  Changing the level of activity in my days.  Changing my body.  Changing my mind.

Last week I underwent a major change when my divorce was finalized.  I am officially single.  I have my maiden name back (well, legally, at least...I'm waiting for the paperwork to be sent so that I can go through all the steps of changing it back on my license, the ss office, my employer and bank).

Well, I'm officially on my adventure to continue on this journey of change.

I am on my first solo vacation in a city I've never been to.  Heck, I'm in a state I've never been to.

So, here I am in Austin, Texas with a whole city outside of my door.

What was my first activity?  Running, of course!  Today ran around the state capitol and the university campus.  Tomorrow...who knows!

I'm about to venture out for an afternoon/evening of exploration.  Today, I'm keeping it close to the neighborhood I'm staying in.  Tomorrow, I have ambitions to head further out and to check out a few of the spots I've been looking forward to seeing.

This is a big change for me.  Huge!

I'm the girl who waits whose first instinct is to wait outside a restaurant when waiting for friends because I don't want to go in alone.  Even in my hometown, I'm often out and about with friends and am only out solo for errands and runs.

Here, it's just me.  Nobody to entertain my but myself and the city.  Oh, and from what I've seen in just over 14 hours (most of those asleep), this city is prepared to entertain.

So, go forward and stretch your boundaries, friends.