Saturday, June 16, 2012

Smelling the Roses

Yesterday I won my second Biggest Loser title in 15 days.  

The first was in a month long contest run by my health coach in our facebook group.  I was shocked to be the winner in that one, not because I wasn't dedicated to the program, getting in my exercise, drinking plenty - and then some - of water.  I was thrilled to win and to have won in the face of many others who are committed to their journey to optimal health.

Yesterday I was awarded the title in the contest at work.  The school nurse presented me with a notice of the contest results and then the secretary handed over some much-loved cash.  In this contest, I was pretty much certain from day 1 that I would walk away with my colleague's money.  It wasn't just that I am doing this fabulous program and am dedicated to reaching my goals.  I spent the past 8 weeks being tempted (and, I openly admit – succumbing to the temptations MANY times) by the tasty foods and snacks that were passing down the school hallway or being cooked up by my colleagues.  Even with this temptations and often-weakened resolve (tell me you could pass up on the offer of a corned beef sandwich), I kept on track with most of 95% of my plan and continued to guzzle my water and get my walk, bike, run game on.  These choices made the difference. 

Each victory is something that I am proud of - another feather in my cap on my journey towards my goal and optimal health.

Last night I was out with friends from high school at an event to recruit our peers for the reunion in August.  A year ago, I would have told you that I have no intent on going to a reunion.  Since November, I have been working with my friends to plan the upcoming reunion and have enjoyed many evenings out with this group and others that have been pulled into the fold.  Again, there were compliments on how "great" I am looking.  And the friend who said I look like I’m 28 (bless his exaggerating heart!) wins compliment of the night.  

As I was driving home last night, I was thinking about how I didn't feel like the fat girl and I didn't spend my night worrying about what people thought when I ordered a drink or food and I wasn't tugging on my clothes trying to cover up  rolls of fat.  On so many levels, I was experiencing my new normal - and it felt AMAZING!   To think that there’s more of this ahead of me as I move closer to my goal…make my head spin!

Even better, when I got in early this morning, my fitbit sent me a badge for flights climbed and I'd topped my daily step goal...without going for a run or a walk yesterday.

Friends, go out there and claim your life, move yourselves towards optimal health, and ENJOY your life!  There are great things out there for us!

Go get 'em, tigers!

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