Monday, June 4, 2012

Positive Peer Pressure

When I was a teenager, peer pressure was generally something that was talked about when referring to something I was not supposed to do.

Now that I am an adult, I see that peer pressure can work for and/or against me.  Of course, it may be easier to stand up for myself as an adult – but the temptation to be one of the crowd isn’t all too different than it was twenty plus years ago.

Today, I succumbed to peer pressure. 

A friend posted on facebook about a run he is doing later in the month.  I simply inquired about the event (and threw out a little comment about how he said he’d show up to a run on new year’s eve & do the polar bear plunge on new year’s day but bailed on both) and then the gauntlet was thrown down.  He said he’d show up before and finish before me.  Oh no he didn’t.  That was it.  You KNOW I made my decision then and there to run this event.  I may not have intended on doing any races for a few months – but that changed as soon as a challenge was thrown out for all of the facebook world to see. 

Now, I’m signing my registration form and sending that and my money away for my registration.  Darn peer pressure!

But this is a GOOD peer pressure.  Yes!  Running a 5k is a good thing.   It’s not smoking a cigarette, doing drugs or any of the other things my parents feared when I was a teenager.  I’m sure they’d be thrilled to hear that a little friendly banter persuaded me to sign up for this run. 

AH HA!!!  And what do you know...I just was tagged in a post from another friend that after seeing that I’d signed up for this 5k she just registered for one in her area!  

My succumbing to peer pressure sent another person to sign up for a 5k.  This is fabulous!  This is what I’m talking about.  Positive Peer Pressure!  Bring it on!!!

Oh, my little tigers…you make me so proud!

To my dear friends Ossie (who has been a peer for many, many years – we’re about to celebrate 20 years since our high school graduation) and Melissa (another traveler on the journey to health and wellness), Cheers! to you both!!!

Go get ‘em, tigers!!!

1 comment:

  1. Melissa ArmstrongJune 4, 2012 at 5:51 PM

    Love this!!! :) Thank you for inspiring me!
