Thursday, May 31, 2012

Wrapping Up the May Challenge

As I have said a few times in the past weeks, I am part of a challenge in my health coach's facebook group.  Each day had a theme and every week included a weigh in, complete with a picture of my feet on the scale that had to be posted to the group.  Talk about an accountability check...

Today was the last day of the challenge.  I went into this week leary of what my final scale number would be, as I'm feeling bloated and exhausted from my cycle - but decided to set my head right.  I have been on track all month and have been doing great.  The daily themes have kept me focused on my goals, choices and making sure I am doing everything I need to be successful in creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle and weight.  This even included a rest day on Sundays.

Lynn, my incredible health coach, posted the following today:
As we draw to the end of this competition I wanted to say that I am proud of each and everyone of you group wide. The support, the team spirit have all been phenomenal. I have seen real changes in you, changes that I am sure will last and shine through in your new lifestyle. This is such a great place to come to, first thing in the morning, in the evening, or even throughout the day. 

One of the keys to success is to surround yourself with others who have the same goals as you do. I believe we have accomplished that. How many of you are now aware of your daily steps? How many of you have increased your amount of water? Learned new tips or recipes? What is your take away from this last competition and what would you like to see as we move forward? 

You are all winners, welcome to your new lifestyle :)”

From others on the team I have gained some new perspective on my journey – whether it be about taking one day and one meal at a time or appreciating each day as a step in the right direction.  I have found new ideas for food and have even incorporated a few of them into my menu. 

As I move forward, I’m continuing to pay closer attention to my total steps for the day and not just taking time for a walk, run or bike ride.  I make an effort to have more steps in each day.  My water consumption continues to be high – but now I’m focusing on shaking that up a bit while still staying in the guidelines of the program.  I’ve been trying some different fruits and vegetables in my water and have a system going at home for this. 

Overall, this past month has really helped me examine why I am on this journey and what I hope to gain from it.  Of course I’m happy to see the scale reflect my hard work, but how I feel and how I carry myself is a reward that a number on the scale can’t do on its own.

Now, onto new adventures in the month of June. 

Go get ‘em, tigers!

1 comment:

  1. What a great month! And here's to a great June, friend! So happy to be doing this together =) xx
