Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Today's Habits of Health Discussion

From my Health Coach's facebook group
For our group's May Challenge, everyday has a theme. 
Tuesday's are Habits of Health Discussion Day

Tuesdays Habits of Health Discussion
Accelerate your weight loss

1. Eat your first meal replacement within an hour of waking up.
I still struggle with starting my "eating" day early.  I've always been one to have to wait an hour or two to eat - but I'm getting closer to an hour.  If I don't, I start to feel very tired and sluggish.  As with everything, I'm a work in progress!

2. Don’t over exercise. If you haven't been exercising don’t start now. Wait three weeks then you can begin to add activity to your schedule as you learn Habits of Motion that are sustainable over time.
After my second week back on the program, I started walking 4-5 times a week.  Then, I got myself a fitbit!  I'm walking at least 6 days a week and aiming for 10,000 steps a day.  Some days, it's quite a bit higher.  Of course, there's a few days that I don't quite get there.  Something to work towards!

3. Be sure to have all five meal replacements with your lean and green every day. Eat slowly and use a straw for liquids.
One of the things I really focus on is evenly spacing out my meals during the day.  Sometimes, life at work catches me off guard and I miss my 4th meal.  When this happens, my L&G (dinner) becomes meal #4 and my last two meals are my Medifast meals.  I usually feel like I'm getting a double dessert on these days...the silver lining!

4. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water. Tea and Crystal Light count.
You can bet that I'm getting at least this much water in everyday!  I try to aim for 1/2 of my water being pure water - no additions.  The rest is a mix of unsweetened, home-brewed green tea and Crystal Light (which I dilute the daylights out of).  Gotta have my water!!!

5. Measure your lean and green portions.
I weigh every part of my L&G meals.  Sure, I'm guilty of a little extra L or G every once in a while, but not more than once a week - and it's no more than 1/4 cup of a Green or 1 oz. of a Lean.  Weighing is more accurate than measuring cups.  The Vegetable Conversion Chart is a great tool to keep in the kitchen for a guide to weighing your Green servings.  I have mine in page protectors clipped to the side of my fridge for handy reference!

6. Keep your daily carbohydrate level between 85-100 grams. 85 is optimal.
YES!!!  Some days I'm under that 85, but usually I'm right in that range.  I try to keep it a little different so that I keep my body guessing.  This also helps me make sure that I vary my L&G meals.  It's terribly easy to get in a rut of eating the same tasty L&G for a few days in a row.  I track all of my meals on myfitnesspal and that tracks my calories, carbs, fat & protein for easy checking and daily meal planning.

7. Take advantage of all the support that you can-including support calls.
You bet!!!  Early on in my program, I did weekly phone check-ins with my health coach.  As my needs changed, I did more email check-ins and am now an active participant in her facebook group for clients.  I've found my health coach to be a great source of support, information and encouragement through every step of this journey!

8. Keep a daily journal
I keep track of my day and progress a few ways.  1. I log all of my meals & water on myfitnesspal, along with my weight.  2. My weight & activity is tracked on my fitbit dashboard. 4. I participate in the discussion boards on mymedifast everday.  5. I reflect on my journey daily through this blog.  I also share this blog on my mymedifast blog!  6. I record all of this EVERY DAY in my daily planner.  Check out the picture!

9. Review your goal and secondary choices every day.
I plan my meals the night before, log them in on myfitnesspal and prepare them.  This way, I know my nutritional needs are being met, I'm prepared for the next day and am ready to continue making decisions that are best for my health.  Waking up and having this part done is a big step towards having a great day!

10. Have no more than two approved snacks every day if needed.
Yes!  I always have dill pickle spears on hand - even in the mini-fridge in my classroom.  And, if you know me, you know I've ALWAYS got some sugar-free gum on hand.  Did you see the newest Extra Dessert Sensations flavor?  Ooh...I just picked up a pack this weekend!!!

11. Don’t add extra carbs.
No way!  This can really be a challenge when out to eat, at a social event, and, for me, especially at a Brewers' game.  Having a plan and having a healthy & approved snack in my bag has been my key to staying away from the extra carbs.  I'm not perfect, and I have my slips - but 99.9% of the time, I'm keeping it on program!

12. Dont drink alcohol.
This is a slippery slope for many.  I've never been a big drinker, so I can abstain from alcohol without even having to think about it.  If I want something a little special, a diet soda or a few limes in my water do the trick! 

Name some activities that you can do around the house or office when you feel stress or cravings
  • Clean
  • Scrub the bathroom
  • Closet Cleanout - Very rewarding!!!
  • Knit
  • Read
  • Visit mymedifast discussion boards or blogs
  • Check-in with my two TSFL/Medifast groups on facebook
  • Hooping to my iPod with my weighted hoops
  • Dance to the music
  • Take out the recycling - the empty MF boxes added up!
  • Update my blog!
 List some healthy snacks
  • Dill pickle spears
  • Sugar-free gum
  • Celery Sticks
  • Sugar-Free Jello
  • Almonds
...be sure to measure/count these! And don't forget to enter them in your log!!!

 List some healthy fats
  • Canola, flaxseed, walnut or olive oil
  • Green olives
  • Low carbohydrate salad dressing
  • Trans-fat-free margarine
...be sure to measure/count these! And don't forget to enter them in your log!!!
  • Trader Joe's Meatless Meatballs
  • Boca/Morning Star Farms burgers
  • Eggs, egg whites, Egg Beaters
  • Tofu
  • Cottage Cheese

  • List some meatless options
      ...be sure to measure/count these! And don't forget to enter them in your log!!!

       Wishing you all a great day of achieving your goals!  See you tomorrow!

      1 comment:

      1. Trying on clothes is SO great to stay motivated, and I also rediscovered my childhood affinity for dills recently :). It has been weird to watch my gum intake though - who knew I abused gum, too?! ;) I have a day off, and I'm about to dance to the music - feel like hearing "Talk That Talk" by Rihanna & Jay-Z. Have I ever told you I'm so glad we're doing this together? <3 you :)
