Tuesday, May 8, 2012

This Week's Habits of Health Discussion

It's Tuesday and that means it's Habits of Health Discussion day in my health coach's facebook group. 

Today's challenge: The Habits of Health

Exercise- Visualize and write down how you'll feel when you're at your healthy weight and living the Habits of Health. Picture where you want to be three months from now….maybe riding a bike with your children, dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, feeling great full of energy. The sun is shining, and life is good! Now write down your thoughts.

-See what's happening in your imagination
-Be specific and vivid in your description

Three Months from now
Three months from now I will be riding in my fourth Bike MS Wisconsin: Best Dam Bike Tour.  In the past, I have always been at a higher weight during the bike tour (where I am right now or higher - gasp!).  This year, I will be at least 25 lbs. lighter than I've ever been for the Bike Tour.  I will also be celebrating my 20 year high school reunion.  For this event, I will weigh less than I did most of my high school career.  And, I will be running the Dirty Girl Run with a team of friends.  This will be my first time doing this event.  By the time I participate in these events, I will likely be at my lowest weight since...MIDDLE SCHOOL!!!

Six Months from now
In six months, I hope to be at my goal weight or within 10 lbs. of that.  I will be preparing or already in transition.  Having met this goal, I will be able to increase my activity, as my daily food intake will be different from what it is now on the Medifast 5&1 plan.  I can't wait!  I will diversify my physical training to incorporate more strength training and to continue running and cylcing - something I've always struggled to maintain over the cold Wisconsin winter months.

One year from now
In one year I hope to have been at goal and maintaining for close to (or just over) six months.  I will be done with the transition phase of the Medifast program and will be working on maintaining my goal weight through healthy food choices, six small meals a day and regular exercise.  I look forward to running and cycling without the challenges and obstacles presented by carrying extra weight.  I would love to be planning for - or perhaps already completed - a half marathon.  It's always been a goal.  If that goes well, I'd like to aim for a marathon.  I've already completed four century rides, but would love to do one at a healthy weight!  I will be graduating with my Masters of Education in Reading Education and looking forward to a career transition from high school English teacher to reading teacher. 

1 comment:

  1. Love these visions! I don't know if I ever told you, but your commitment to living an active lifestyle (before but) especially during (and after) MF has really inspired me! In the midst of all the rumblings about exercise stalls and the like, I always heard your posts loudest and didn't give myself any excuses to sit on my arse (take that MF censor!) ;). And since I've got moving, I've wanted to do more and more as I watch myself become more fit. XO
