Thursday, May 3, 2012

Shaking Up Routines

Throughout the course of my journey with Medifast, I've been loyal to a few food items.  While some tempting new foods were introduced somewhere along the way, I kept on with what I was doing and pretended that those new items weren't there.

Not any more.

If I'm going to follow this path to the not-at-all-bitter end, I am going to need to shake things up every once in a while and try something new.  

When the FedEx delivery arrived at my door today, it didn't just bring a few weeks of food to my door - it brought Brownies and Chocolate Chip Soft Back and BBQ Bites and Blueberry Oatmeal and Calorie Burn Cappuccino (which, my sources tell me tastes very different & much better than the run-of-the-mill Cappuccino I've been using since September).  These are the items I am trying for the first time.  Of course, the Peanut Butter Soft Serve, Chocolate & Vanilla Appetite Suppressant Shakes, and some Honey Mustard Pretzel Sticks were in the mix - but I have been thinking about these new items since I adjusted my order last Friday.

Ah...lots of choices!!!

I am a creature of habit.  I know this.  I could go weeks with the exact same menu and never shake my head.  Of course, somewhere in there I would need to be able to toss in a few squirts of Sriracha, some shakes of crushed red pepper flakes or a splash or five of Frank's Red Hot.  Otherwise, I like predictability.

But, I get that from following the program I've embarked on.  I know if I do, I will lose a few pounds a week.  I know if I drink the amount of water I usually do (160+ ounces a day, if you need to know), I will feel good and hydrated and not have a thirst or "need" for something else.  I know if I shake the dust off of my tail-feathers and get outside for some exercise, that I will feel refreshed and that my body will thank me by firming up, sleeping well and being strong.

Oh, and rolling with the punches - that's another of those life lessons that I'm continuing to get my fair share of practice with.  After last night's Cauliflower Pizza/Quiche episode, I held it together and celebrated that I've made something new.  Tonight for dinner, I had that Cauliflower Quiche - finished off just as the Pizza recipe suggests.  And, you know what - it was DELICIOUS!

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