Saturday, May 19, 2012

Just Saying "No"

Every day I am tempted by foods.  Whether it’s the cover of the local magazine featuring a triple scoop of frozen custard or the smell of the sausages at the ballpark – there is always something catching my attention that looks as good as I know it tastes.  Sometimes, even the lunch at school can be tempting – the chicken strips this week did look awfully tasty!

I’m happy to say that in the past three days I have successfully avoided a few mighty big temptations.

On Thursday, there was an offer of Buffalo Wild Wings.  It was 50 cents boneless wings night.  Oh…I LOVE me some wings!!!  Instead, I threw that pork tenderloin that I just defrosted on a baking stone, sprinkled on some rosemary herb seasoning and called it a night.  No wings.  Dinner was a piece of the tenderloin and some mashed cauliflower.  Good stuff! 

Last night, on the way to my cousin’s little league game we stopped for dinner at one of the local custard/burger joints.  The choices of yummy foods there are endless.  Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, fish sandwiches (oh, they do have a great fish sandwich there!), gyros, souvlaki…  I had a fresh green salad with a scoop of tuna salad on top.  And that roll that arrived with my salad, I skipped it.

Today, after running a few errands with my parents, there was an offer of Jimmy John’s.  Sure, I could have had an “unwhich” – the sandwich of my choice in a lettuce wrap.  However, I enjoy having my L&G – the “real” meal of my day – for dinner.  And, since I’ll be at a social gathering tonight, I’m planning on having it then.  So, as much as I love Jimmy John’s, I said, “No, thank you!”

Sure, it took some willpower to make these choices.  And, in many of the cases, I was ready to eat the things that were tempting me – had even said “Yes!” out loud.  But, in the end – after taking a minute or two to contemplate my choices and what the consequences would be – I made the choice that is best for me.

I make no promises about the choices I’ll make later today, tomorrow, next week or even next month.  It’s one step, one meal, one day at a time.  I may have to arm wrestle myself away from a cake or a sandwich or a tub of ice cream, but I’m getting stronger all the time!

Go get ‘em, tigers!


  1. I am very proud of you Jennifer. It's easy to fall off course and hard as heck to get back on track. I tip my hat to you for staying focused. You helped me realized something too, it's not like I never had these things before. I will meet these flavors again, but right now is not the time. Keep up the good work.


  2. That's right - one meal at a time. I'm also finding it helpful to expand my L&G repertoire so that I actually do look forward to it. This is big for me, as I have told myself that I "hate" cooking. I don't hate it - I just don't know how to make very many things, which means I don't feel great at it, and I hate not being great at things :o. I recently added grilled salmon and can honestly say, this tasted and now sounds better to me and a whole lot of stuff that used to make my mouth water :). Your strength comes through your words and gives me a "you can do this" rub on my back - thank you!

  3. PS - This whole "retype the characters" thing is most annoying >..< any way around it?
