Sunday, April 29, 2012

What Motivates Me?

Originally Published January 5, 2012

The question "what motivates you?" was asked on the discussion boards.

Here are my thoughts...

1. ALWAYS have water with me.  Even when I go into a different room at home/work.  Really.  My Camelbak bottle goes everywhere I go.

2. Read the boards - stay away from negative posts and chatter about "cheating" and interact with other members - build your network here

3. Read, post your own, comment on blogs - I don't read all of them, but I read most.  If it speaks to me, or I can contribute or give a pat on the back, I do.  Share when you are struggling, people will reach out to give ideas.  Share when you're successful - we want to learn from each other and share what's working.

4. Set goals - not weight/date goals, but things you want to accomplish.  What do you want to get out of this?  Do you have an activity you'd like to do?  Non-weight goals are very helpful.  Mine are running/biking related.  Running a 5k (check, check, check!), a 10k (aiming for March 17th), a half-marathon (May 5th), biking a double century in a weekend (I've done it before - will do it again August 4-5th), running a marathon (hoping for October).

5. Measurements on a regular basis.  I started with weekly (crazy, but true).  Now, I do every 2-3 weeks.  I keep a table with the results.  After a few months, it's unbelievable to look at that.  Do the same with your weight.  The outcome is awe-inspiring!

6. Take progress photos of yourself...even if they are only for yourself!  I didn't change my profile picture or share other pics until I lost almost 100 pounds...that's when I was comfortable sharing.  But, I have been taking them every few weeks for myself.  AMAZING to look back at them and compare where you were with where you are - and it helps see where you are going.

7. Ask for help when you need it.  If you feel you're challenged with motivation, say so and ask for help.  This is why you build a network - they're the people that will have your back when you need it!

8. Do whatever you can to manage your environment and dining out.  Choices are choices.  The choices you make will determine your success.  Advocate for yourself and your health...nobody's going to do this for you.  Communicate with the people you spend time with what your food needs are.  

9. Every few weeks, go try on some clothes at a store.  You don't have to continuously buy new clothes (I've bought hardly anything between what was in my closet from previous weight loss and two VERY generous friends who have gone before).  However, every few weeks, I'm at the mall trying on clothes.  It's fun and gives you an idea of where you are at.

10.  Did I mention water?  DRINK LOTS OF WATER.  It fills you up.  It flushes the yucky stuff out of your body.  It keeps you hydrated.  It's good for you.  

Wishing you all an amazing journey to health and discovering your potential awesomeness! 

Go get em, tigers!

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