Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Back From Hibernation

After a long winter’s hibernation, I’ve dusted myself off, shaken away the sticky cobwebs, taking a good hard look at where I am TODAY and am on the road to moving forward.

Spring break was a few weeks ago for this happily busy high school English teacher and the realization that the weather for biking and running is just around the corner – even if it’s just for five minutes of this crazy Wisconsin spring – and I am not ready.  I have let myself and the habits I worked so hard on fall to the wayside as I transitioned into this new teaching position and the romance that quickly followed.

My eyes are wide open, the sun is shining, and I’ve taken back the control that I let slip away when things got hectic.  I took a good hard look at myself, looked at the bikes anxiously waiting in the garage, thought long and hard about how I was feeling (like shit! – physically, that is) and how I WANT to feel and I’ve made a change.

After much reflection on my attempts at health and happiness in the past, I’ve decided that I just can’t live with the space food that I’ve used to get me there before.  I NEED REAL FOOD.  I CRAVE REAL FOOD.  I LOVE REAL FOOD.

I’ve done lots of reading, watching, talking, question asking, and then a lot more reading.  Now, I’m experimenting with my produce section finds (soon to be farmers’ market finds) and my mad kitchen skills.

Today is Day #8 of what is starting as a 30-Day Green Smoothie Challenge and I am starting to feel lighter and brighter.  There have now been two hauls of produce from grocery to kitchen counter and it’s an adventure.  As with all culinary adventures I embark on, sometimes I follow the recipe, sometimes I improvise.  Today’s lunch is a Fat Burning Green Smoothie from The 30-Day Green Smoothie Challenge from Simple Green Smoothies.  Ooh…this is tasty!

So, that’s just a QUICK catch up on where I am, what I’m doing and what I’m eating.  I’ll surely be back very soon to continue sharing this new adventure with you.

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