Saturday, June 2, 2012

Super Saturday - A Tale of Academic and Weight Loss Victories

Happy Saturday, Friends!

My day has been amazing on so many levels.  I am still wrapping my head around it.

This morning I had my final presentation for my spring semester course , Integrated Literacy Development I – which should really be titled Everything You Need and Would Like to Know About Primary Literacy Instruction & Assessment in One Quick Semester.

I will admit that I spent the greater part of this past semester with my head spinning with all of the information from this course.  Yes, there was a LOT of new information to digest.  There was plenty of reading and piles of assessments to get acquainted with.  But, more than any of that was wrapping my head around the inner workings of a first grade classroom.  I teach high school juniors and seniors, people!  Beowulf and Shakespeare are my stomping grounds. 

So, with that in mind, imagine how I felt when handed a thick pile of first grade literacy assessments (the sample data) and was told to create a Primary Comprehensive Literacy Plan and present it as if I’m presenting to a school board for approval.  Uhm…

Well, this morning I gave that presentation.  I woke up bright and early, had my coffee, showered and dressed and walked the lovely six blocks to Alverno and delivered one heck of a kick ass presentation.  Yes, I did!

And, when I was done, my instructor beamed with pride and dished out the compliments.  The best was about how far I’ve come with my comfort level with the content and that based on my presentation, she’d never know that my niche is NOT primary literacy.  Ha!  Yes!  Success!!!

After getting home from my presentation, I realized I left the video recording in the classroom.  I quickly changed and walked back to campus to collect my recording.

Of course, this morning’s victory comes on the coat tails of another awesome victory.

Last night I was declared the Biggest Loser in my health coach’s May Challenge in our facebook group!!!  I was runner up for points for the month.  And, my team had the most points, so we all won a 3 month subscription to Gaiam TV online.  Yippee!!! 

Not a bad start to the weekend.

Now, off for a walk – because my two trips to Alverno and back were just the beginning of today’s walks!

Go get ‘em, Tigers!


  1. Ah magnificent! So happy for this great conclusion to a very hectic May :).

  2. An excellent start for the weekend! :)
