Monday, October 7, 2013

Where I've Been

It's been a busy year.  I didn't forget about this journey or my friends and supporters here, but I was sidetracked.  It wasn't all bad - I must admit.  The I was feeling about myself...that all needed a facelift.

Last year I started a new position in a new school.  Everything about it was new.  And fabulous.  Stressful at times, but such a good change. 

Somewhere at the beginning of that, I met a lot of wonderful new friends - and my future husband. 

Yep, that's where my weight loss train fell of the track.  Derailed.  Completely.

Over the course of the year, I've made a few attempts to get back on track and have tried a new thing or two, but nothing stuck and I felt like I was playing a guessing game.

Last week, I started back. 

Oh, and two months ago, I got engaged.  Sure, the prospect of buying a beautiful white dress had me thinking it's time to DO THIS!  But more than anything, wanting to be healthy and happy in this beautiful life I'm building with the Mr. has me wanting to get this done.

I was scouring Pinterest earlier for some Lean & Green recipes to add to my repertoire and saw a picture that caught my attention...and looked mildly familiar.  It was a picture from the blog I was keeping on Blogger while doing this journey before.  I got back to that blog (shared that one here, too - as I had been doing all along - and will continue to do) and it brought me back here to share this with all of you...whoever the all of you is, these days. 

Whoever you are, wherever you are...I'm happy to be on this journey with you.  I'm happy to share my adventures with this plan and to learn from you.

Have a fabulous Monday!

Go get 'em, tigers!

Back in the Saddle...Again!

Today marks day #8 of being back on the Medifast 5 & 1 plan.  Five Medifast meals and one lean and green meal each day.  That and plenty of water.  LOTS of water.  I'm floating in water, I tell ya!

It feels good.  I am feeling that I have control over how I feel, again.  It feels very good!

I'm not waking up in the middle of the night to take something for heartburn.  Just to go to the bathroom.  Did I mention lots of water?

Some things are different for me this time around.  I'm not living the single life of only having to plan meals for me.  

While the Mr. can handle feeding himself, I want to at least provide him a meal every few days - if not everyday.  Last night I made a huge crockpot of baked oatmeal for him for this week.  That felt good.  It smelled even better.  I'm leaving it at that.  If I want oatmeal, I've got some Medifast oatmeal to get me through.  

We also have established quite the routine with our weekends and grabbing breakfasts and brunch on our journeys out with the cameras.  I did just fine this weekend.  I overindulged a little at brunch yesterday, but it was on veggies and lean protein.  Not bad. 

After seven days back at it, I'm down 10.4 pounds.  This is normal for the first week, and will go down dramatically from that for future weekly weigh-ins - and that is okay.