Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Road Ahead

Okay, I'll admit it - the past month has been one big fat, anger breeding, stress-filled, anxiety producing, doubt dwelling month. Yep, it was. And a whole lot of it really stunk.

And, you know what? That's all the crap that's been in my head.

Why? Because the anger breeding, stress-filled, anxiety producing, doubt dwelling is really what was happening for the two years preceding this past month. Now, there's an admission.

These past few weeks I have had a lot of time to myself - A LOT - to ponder decisions I've made, how I've reacted to others, how I've let others react to me, how I've been treated, how I treated others - okay...enough with the "others!" We all know I'm talking about the person who was my "other" half. Anyhow, a lot of time has been spent reeling through the past two years.

I've come to this conclusion...the same conclusion I came to a month ago...I did everything right. I did. As a wife, as a partner, as a contributing member of our family unit, I did everything right. Except one thing. I didn't take care of myself.

I'm not too far worse off than I was before the relationship began. At that time, I was recovering from a severe ankle/foot sprain that included nerve damage to my foot. It ended what had started to be a great summer of cycling. It threw me off course.

No, the injury didn't throw me into a relationship that would take me off course - but it sure was the start of a maze-like detour for me.

Now, after recovering from that injury, a serious car accident, a spinal surgery, a marriage and now a pending divorce, I am finally finding my way back to my path - again.

Sure there have been other detours. And each time, I enjoy the scenery along the way - just as I do when I'm driving or riding my bike. I learn a few things, maybe get a few scrapes and bruises. But, I come out on the other side stronger, wiser, and more capable of handling things than I was before.

So, here I am - recovering from those scrapes and bruises, picking up the pieces, and moving forward. I'm leaving all of the anger, stress, anxiety and doubt on that detour and bringing that invigorated dose of strength and wisdom with me.

We never know what the future will bring into our lives. I don't know what lies ahead - but I know it will be wonderful.

My journey here is just the beginning, but this will be wonderful, too. I'm so happy to have you along to enjoy this journey.

Let's go great places!

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